Everyone who has played Splatoon knows that there are Special weapons, which can deal a lot of damage! The seven in the game include:
- Inkzooka
- Inkstrike
- Echolocater
- Bubbler
- Kraken
- Killer Wail
- Bomb Rush
First up is the Ink Copter!
Based off the Octocopter enemy, for 15 seconds, your inkling gets to fly over the map shooting from above! This could be extremely strategic in Tower Control or Splat Zones!
Up next is the Inkstamp!
The Inkstamp is also based off another enemy, the Octostamp, where you click 3 times on the gamepad to rain down a big Ink Stamp! Good for getting inside the other's territory from a distance!
Next is the Mega Inkling, based of Super Mario's Mushroom!
The Mega Inkling Powerup doubles you in size, making you shoot bigger and larger blobs of ink! However, it lasts for a long as the Kraken, and also only allows you to be in Inkling form, the opposite of the Kraken!
The last Powerup is the Mega Sprinkler!
The Mega Sprinkler sins around very quickly and only does one spin! It is a mega version of the Sprinkler! This can fling lots of ink in the one space where you are when you deploy it!
I'll see you later!
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