Sunday 6 September 2015

What Do You Think? - Super Mario Maker Styles!

Hey everyone!
Super Mario Maker is just around the corner with many themes and game styles to play around with! This leads to today's question...
What other course styles would you like to see in Super Mario Maker as DLC?
Nintendo has included DLC in all 3 of it's last big games (Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros and Splatoon), so why not include these next 5 themes in the game also?
So far there is the Normal, Underground, Ghost House, Underwater, Airship and Castle styles, here are 5 more included in NSMBU, and hopefully Super Mario Maker!
First up is the Jungle!
Soda Seas, from NSMBU, is a great course style, avoiding the poisonous purple 'soda'. This should be included!
Next is the Clouds!
Clouds and Mushroom levels are included in Mario games since New Super Mario Bros which came out 9 years ago! This would be heaps of fun bouncing though a Meringue Clouds level!
Next up are Beach Themed levels!
Beach themed levels would be heaps of fun to play at! These beach levels were a great refreshment from underwater levels and are heaps of fun!
Up next are a level that definitely should be in the game!
Desert themed levels have been the place to be whenever at World 2 of a New Super Mario Bros game! Pokeys could also join these levels too!
The last level type would be awesome!
It is Snowy themed levels! Whether it is the starry wintery nights or in the middle of the day, Snow themed levels would be awesome!
I'll be back in two weeks with another What Do You Think?! If there is a Splattfest on, expect it on Monday night!
I'll see you later!

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