Wednesday 30 September 2015

Smash Battle #18 (feat. Pirate Ship, Semi Final #02)

Hey everyone!
Welcome back to Smash Tourney #01 and Smash Battles!
Last Saturday (gee... that feels like a long time ago!), Mewtwo was defeated by Luigi in a close match! Luigi got two early KOs to begin with, including a Final Smash, and a last effort by Mewtwo wasn't enough, defeated by Luigi by 1 KO.
Now, it is time for the second Semi Final, to determine who will play Luigi on Saturday!
Will it be Ness? Ness has had an easy ride to the Semis, only having to win the close Fast-Forward earning him the nickname, the Fast Forward King!
Or could it be Marth (me)? He has gambled with Sudden Death twice, will his third time mean total domination of Ness?
Find out below!

I'll announce the Grand Finalists tomorrow!

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