Monday 21 September 2015

Messy Wins

Hey everyone!
Congratulations to Team Messy for defeating my team, Team Tidy, in a convincing 28 point victory!
Here's all the results summed up in a helpful infographic!
First up was the popularity vote, which team would have the most people supporting it?
Judging by the amount of people laying and no repeat battles for me, I thought that Team Messy would beat us, as they did, 56% to 44%.
All was not lost, in the last two Splatfests, Team South Pole and Team Singing both losing the popularity vote.
However, Team Messy took the Wins vote in a nail-biting 52% to 48% victory!
That leads to the 264-236 victory for Team Messy!
Bad luck, Team Tidy....
See you later!

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