Monday 15 June 2015

A Trio of Stages (New Content Approaching Pt. 3)

Hey everyone!
There has been 5 stages announced in today's presentation, 3 of which are available now!
Up first are the 3 new stages available right now!
First up is Miiverse!
Miiverse is a stage where players can post to communities on Miiverse which 'cheer on' a fighter who is playing in the game!
Up next is a stage returning from the original Super Smash Bros, and it is Dream Land from the Kirby series!
Dream Land may look similar to many people who love the Smash Bros. series! You can buy the Dream Land stage for $2.60 on the eShop!
The last stage available right at this moment is Suzaku Castle, based off Ryu's stage from Street Fighter II!
This course is featured on a rooftop of a building and can be purchased along with Ryu for $7.80.
The video also announced 2 familiar stages returning from Super Smash Bros. to return in Smash Bros 4!
The first is Hyrule Castle from the Legend of Zelda series!
The other is Peach's Castle from the Super Mario series!
That is all of the stages in Smash Bros to be included at the moment!
I'll be back soon with everything else I haven't mentioned!

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