Wednesday 17 June 2015

Nintendo's Big Announcements @ E3! (Digital Direct Pt. 5)

Hey everyone!
There have been 3 big games announced at this year's E3! These are what will make Nintendo great in 2015!
First is Star Fox Zero, the first new entry in the Star Fox franchise for 9 years!
Star Fox Zero is Star Fox returning back to it's roots! More about this game in the future!
Up next is the new game in the Xenoblade series, Xenoblade X!
Xenobalde X brings back everything good from the Xeneblode Chronicles on the Wii and adds on more! You are plummeted into a otherworldly place and must find a way to survive!
The final big game for Nintendo is Fire Emblem Fates!
In Fire Emblem Fates, you get to choose your story and try to complete it! Do you want a challenge or a game for fun? The choice is yours!
That is all from Nintendo @ E3!
I'll see you later!

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