Sunday 21 June 2015

What Do You Think? - Returning 64 Stages

Hey everyone!
I'm back again for another 'What Do You Think?', where I ask you a question and you can say what you think!
Last week, I listed characters I would like to see back in Smash Bros, such as Wolf and the Ice Climbers, and completely new characters such as Captain Toad and an Inkling! Get involved with 'What Do You Think' and don't be shy to leave a comment!
Today's question is:
What Smash Bros. 64 stages would you like to see return in Smash Bros. 4? 

This is because of the inclusion of Dream Land in Smash Bros 4!
Now, we already know that 2 stages are returning, these include:
Peach's Castle...
and Hyrule Castle!
If Nintendo were to include any other stages from the Original Smash bros, what would you like to see?
I've handpicked 3 stages of my choice!
First is Yoshi's Island!
This is because of the new Yoshi game, Yoshi's Woolly World, releasing this Thursday! Wouldn't it be great to see more Yoshi in Smash Bros!
Up next is a Star Fox stage, and it is Sector Z!
Sector Z could be included because of the new game, Star Fox Zero! The game's title has a 'Z' in it and so does this stage! Could this course return?
The last stage I think could be included is the 'Mushroom Kingdom' stage!
Mario is celebrating his 30th birthday this year, and we could commemorate Mario's 30th birthday with this returning stage! (all of these photos are from SmashWiki)
Any courses I missed? Do you not want to see any more 64 stages? Agree or Disagree?
Leave a comment!
See you next week with another 'What Do You Think?'

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