Saturday 3 October 2015

Smash Battle #19 (feat. Super Mario Maker, Grand Final!)

Hey everyone!
We have finally made it! The Grand Final of the first Smash Tourney is here!
After two long months of battling, Ness and Luigi are the final two fighters left in the first Smash Tourney, and are battling it out on Super Mario Maker!
Let's get it started!
Who will win? The Fast Forward King, Ness? Or the Underdog, Luigi?
Here we go!

That's all for Smash Tourney #01!
Stay tuned next Wednesday for a highlights video of all of the Sudden Deaths, KOs and Self Destructs of the first Smash Tourney!
Don't fret also, Smash Tourney #02 returns next Saturday and will last until the 25th of November giving another 2 months of Smash Battles!
See you later!

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