Monday 26 October 2015

Spook Bros. Begins! (Games 1 & 2)

Hey everyone!
We are only a week away from Halloween so I have started this new series, Spook Bros, to count down until the spookiest night of the year!
Smash Battles are having a break this week, with the next battle returning on Sunday, the 1st of November!
There are 6 battles this week, and a final on Halloween!
8 fighters have been picked to battle this week, all looking very spooky and Halloween like!
The fighters have been pitted up against a rival, who they will face in every battle, and will be paired up against another rival group! It is still a free for all though, biggest score wins!
Here we go!
Spook Bros. #01 (@ Luigi's Mansion)
The first match of six is at the spookiest stage of them all, Luigi's Masnion! Watch Luigi, Bowser, Dark Pit and Marth battle it out in a very close match!

Spook Bros. #02 (@ GAMER)
The second match is on! Here we meet the other 4 fighters battling it out for the Spooky Cup! Will it be Link, Ganondorf, Meta Knight or Samus to win this one?

After all these results, here's the current leaderboard!
See you on Wednesday with the next update!

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