Tuesday 20 October 2015

Smash Battle #25 (First Round, Game 6)

Hey everyone!
Two days ago, when Cats beat Dogs in Splatfest #06, Fox was also the first fighter through to Quarter Final #02! Fox faced off against Sonic, Mega Man and Peach and ended up winning! Look at this awesome kick he did against Sonic!
Today is time for the second spot of Quarter Final #02! Fighting it out today is Duck Hunt Duo, Wii Fit Trainer, Meta Knight (me) and R.O.B. will face off for that spot!
Last time Wii Fit Trainer and R.O.B. faced off, it ended up in Sudden Death!
Remember when Wii Fit Trainer completely owned R.O.B.?
Today, R.O.B. is looking to turn the tables! Can he do it?
Here we go!

The winner of today's match will face Fox and two others in Quarter Final #02!
Fighting for another spot on Thursday is...
See you on Thursday with King Dedede (me), Shulk, Little Mac and Pikachu all fighting for that spot!

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