Thursday 22 October 2015

Smash Battle #26 (First Round, Game 7)

Hey everyone!
I'm back again with yet another Smash Battle!
On Tuesday, it was a Sudden Death thriller with a three player sudden death (Meta Knight has a Self Destruct)! With Wii Fit Trainer KOed, R.O.B. picked up the Duck Hunt Duo and slammed him into the ground!
Today, the third spot in Quater Final #02 is up for grabs!
See Pikachu, Shulk, King Dedede (me) and Little Mac fight it out above the areas of the Legend of Zelda in Skyloft, in the next Smash Battle!
Here we go!

The winner of today;s macth will join R.O.B., Fox and another fighter in Quarter Final #02 next month!
Fighting for the last spot on Saturday will be...
We'll see Bowser Jr and Mewtwo (me) face off for the first time since Smash Tourney #01's Quarter Final #01, joined alongside Captain Falcon and Pit!
See you then!

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